
Boasting numerous advantages compared to “classic” food supplements (capsules, tablets, pills, etc.), they are starting to make their way into our stores and pharmacies and not without reason.

A food supplement is a product designed to provide nutrients or other substances with a nutritional or physiological effect, consumed in insufficient quantities in a person’s daily diet.
These products may contain a variety of ingredients like vitamins, minerals, botanicals, amino acids and enzymes.
They are usually available in various forms such as:

  • Tablets
  • Capsules
  • Capsules
  • Liquids and powders

Used for many reasons, including to ensure adequate intake of essential nutrients by improving physical and mental health, and sometimes to help cure certain health conditions.

Gummies refer to infused gelatinous candiesenriched with vitamins, minerals or other health-promoting substances such as plant extracts .
They are designed as a tasty, stress-free and easy-to-consume alternative to capsules, tablets or pills. 

The term “gummies” comes from the English “gummy” , which refers to an elastic and sticky texture. 
This term is often used to describe gelatin-based candies that have a soft, chewable texture, similar to gummy bears that are popular in many countries.

The adoption of the term “gummies” to designate food supplements in the form of candies is inspired by this texture. These supplements are made to resemble traditional gummies making them more appealing and easier to consume for those who don’t like swallowing pills or capsules.

Many gummy vitamins contain added sugar. Excessive sugar consumption can lead to health issues like weight gain, heart disease, and diabetes. Consider how much added sugar you consume from gummy vitamins and other food sources when deciding which vitamin is best for you.

Artificial colors and flavors may trigger sensitivities and have other health and behavioral implications. 

Animal-derived gelatin, carmine, and beeswax found in gummy vitamins may pose concerns for vegans, vegetarians, and those with ethical or religious considerations.

If you prefer to avoid foods made from GMOs, look for a certified GMO-free gummy vitamin that has been third-party tested.


Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre



Author: lejournaldupeintre

Each day i paint pictures, related to actuality; to what is happening in the world. Each season i change the color of the paintings. (since 1995...)

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