28 years ago / Mad cow disease

When a mystery brain disease jumped from cows to humans in 1996, a concerted effort by EU researchers helped to unravel its causes, and change food production for good.

Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), commonly known as mad cow disease, is an incurable and invariably fatal neurodegenerative disease of cattle. Symptoms include abnormal behavior, trouble walking, and weight loss. Later in the course of the disease, the cow becomes unable to function normally. There is conflicting information about the time between infection and onset of symptoms.

Communicated to the general public by the media, the crisis erupted in 1996. It involved both ethical aspects, with consumers becoming aware of certain practices that were common in livestock farming but of which they had been unaware, such as the use of meat and bone meal, and economic aspects, with the ensuing fall in beef consumption and the cost of the various measures adopted.


Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre

Painting news project


Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre

Painting news project


Le journal du peintre

Les tableaux du peintre

Painting news project


Author: lejournaldupeintre

Each day i paint pictures, related to actuality; to what is happening in the world. Each season i change the color of the paintings. (since 1995...)

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