The comeback of the audio tape

A new vintage media is making a big comeback: the cassette. The nostalgia for the use of cassettes slowly returns to the collective subconscious. Many are the artists who decline their album on the magnetic tape.

Cassette tapes are astoundingly cheap for musicproducers, making them an ideal medium from a margin perspective. And as we all know, underneath the glitz, glam and artistic glory of it all, the music business is at heart a business. It’s literally in the name. They only cost about $1.50 to produce, making them a really strong option for labels and artists. They’re also great for the consumer, because you can pick up a new cassette tape for about $10 instead of the $25 it costs for vinyl. Or the $15 it costs for CDs. That is if you’re one of the six people who still actually buy those shiny little discs. It’s basically a win-win for everyone involved.

It’s not just what it sounds like but the whole experience behind listening to it – the familiarity, the feeling, the packaging – everything. Putting on a cassette feels nice for people who are reminded of their younger, happier years when they do it. Nostalgia can cause some interesting motivation for folks, and the cassette resurgence is one example of that influential power.

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Le journal du peintre

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